Emergency Details — Central Southland College

Emergency details

Student Safety

Should an emergency or disaster situation arise at school while students are on site, it is our first priority to keep our school community safe and at school until they can be released safely. We practice drills to ensure that our school community is both aware of emergency procedures and knows how to respond quickly and effectively to them.

Release of your child in emergency situation

Decisions regarding the release of students will be made by the school, dependent on the level of risk to student safety. If there is any foreseeable risk, students will be cared for at school until collected by you or a person identified by you as being able to collect on your behalf. In the event of a Local or Regional Civil Defence emergency, for example earthquake or flooding, when school is the safest place, all students will be kept at school until collected. 

Please keep your details updated

Whether a school emergency is of a personal or environmental nature, it is essential that we are prepared, able to contact each other and you know where your teenager will be. To ensure that this can happen we require: Up-to-date contact details for you – street and email addresses and your phone numbers. If we cannot contact you, the contact information for who has your authority to make decisions relating to your teenager in an emergency situation. You can update your details now by getting in contact with the school office.

What will happen in an emergency

There are two different drills designed to deal with various emergencies. The two drills are evacuation (students meet on the field) and lock-down. Evacuation is signalled by the Fire Alarm (with voice over) OR a continuous bell. Lock-down is signalled by a non-stop intermittent bell. During class times, students are to follow the directions of their teacher. In break times, students are to either evacuate as normal or move to a secure location (depending on the alarm/bell). The message to students is to move away from any danger. In extreme cases where remaining on site is not safe, students are to re-group in the carpark at Winton New World. Once the all clear is given from the emergency, students will take direction from staff and either move back to class or organise to be collected.